Psychological Tests

Psychological tests divide into two type.
  •  Cognitive ability tests
  •  Personality tests
Cognitive ability tests:
  •   Measures aptitude (memory, logic, observation, comprehension)
  •   Used frequently in Canada (e.g., RCMP Police Aptitude Test)
  •   Moderate predictive validity (slightly higher for success during training)

    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2)
  • Designed to evaluate thoughts, emotions, attitudes, & behavioural traits that comprise personality 
  • 10 basic clinical scales: 
  • Paranoia; hypomania; psychopathic deviate; social introversion
  •  Moderate predictive validity
Personality tests:
Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI)
  •  Measures personality and behaviour
  •  Developed specifically for police selection
  •  Better predictive validity than the MMPI

Psychological Tests Psychological Tests Reviewed by Unknown on 5:53 AM Rating: 5

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