The Purpose Of Forensic Entomology

Forensic entomology is a very useful method of determining elapsed time It is accurate to a day or less, or a range of days

These are the uses of forensic entomology :
  1. Using insect data for determining the site of crime
    There are reported differences in the species of insects involved with the decomposing corpse in different habitats and environments. A careful examination can reveal species variation, as species associated with one type of habitat present on a corpse is found to be different from those when the corpse is transported after death.
  2. The presence of drugs can be determined using insect evidence.
    There is often not enough flesh left to determine drug presence, but maggots bioaccumulate so an can be analyzed to determine type of drug present.
  3. The body may have been moved after death, from the scene of the killing to a hiding place. Some of the insects on the body may be native to the first habitat and not the second. This will show that not only was the body moved, but it will also give an indication of the type of area where the murder actually took place.
  4. Child or senior abuse/neglect. Some insects will colonize wounds or unclean areas on a living person. This is called cutaneous myiasis. In these cases, the victim is still alive, but maggot infested. A forensic entomologist will be able to tell when the wound or abuse occurred.
  5. Determine if the larvae was fed on the man either while he was living or while he was in unconscious state
The Purpose Of Forensic Entomology The Purpose Of Forensic Entomology Reviewed by Unknown on 12:33 AM Rating: 5

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